and the first two days have been awesome!!! :D
no snow thursday but we got a snow day anyway . . . gotta love the south . . . not going to make any excuses either . . . we just closed up cause we're scared of the stuff . . . southern drivers have no snow driving skills . . . and that's okay . . . close the schools i say . . . woohoo!!! :D
snow today though! the for real deal! about a half inch i think . . . enough for the gman to have a super good time . . . he ran through it, fell in it, threw snowballs and made snow angels . . . one would think he'd been around the stuff his whole life the way he took to it . . . and all day he's been saying, "mommy, i don't want the snow to leave" . . . so cute . . . but sorry kid . . . long term snow mommy cannot deal with . . . brrrrrrrrr . . . :D
lalala . . . just finished hof #8 tonight . . . two more to go . . . would like to be done tomorrow so melissa can help me with printing and then i can package it and have it in the mail monday . . . how nice would that be . . . go me go!!! :D
and how can i forget to mention my potty king? the gman has totally mastered the toilet! woohoo!!! yes!!!!!!! no more holding it all day . . . no accidents . . . he got up from naptime at school wednesday and told his teacher he had to go . . . total breakthrough . . . now he tells me when he has to go and he goes . . . heck, he even went by himself at sherri's yesterday since he was upstairs and i was downstairs and didn't make it up there in time . . . proud . . . so proud . . . and relieved . . . so relieved . . . and the $18 dollar box of pullups is going back back back to walmart . . . think i'll get the kid a new set of k'nex in stead . . . yay team!!! :D
wooohoooo! well done, gman!
Posted by: shirls | February 02, 2007 at 10:09 PM
YAY!!!! How awesome! Both for you on your HOF entries and for G for his success! :D
Posted by: Chelle | February 03, 2007 at 12:00 AM
Nothing like having the potty training nipped..he did that really quick..way to hang in there Mom! Go G:!!
Posted by: Jill Gross-LaFaye | February 03, 2007 at 12:11 AM
Rah! Rah! Sis Boom Bah! GooooooooooGabriel! You might want to save those pull-ups for nighty time! Boys USUSALLY don't master that till a bit later....just a thought! Want to see me some layouts!
Posted by: tammygraves | February 03, 2007 at 10:39 AM
YAY! Isn't that a great feeling! Now, here is my advice (not that you asked for it, but I am going to give it anyway ;)....
keep a potty seat in your car. I can't tell you how many "emergencies" we have run into while driving somewhere. Chelle thinks I am disgusting (and I am sure she has a few more adjectives)- but as I tell her, I would rather have it in the potty seat than in the car seat (not to mention down the pant legs, on the car floorboard, etc. etc. Anyway, just some unsolicitated advice!
Good luck on getting your HOF entries done!!! D
Posted by: Dana | February 03, 2007 at 09:15 PM
congrats on the potty training! isn't it great when they just totally get it! good luck on the HOF entry ... this is the first year in a long time that i didn't even think about entering. lol!
Posted by: laura vegas | February 04, 2007 at 02:08 AM