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July 31, 2008



I love your Rebel tips. Thanks for posting those!!!

I'm not really bummed that Summer is over because I need more of a routine. My days are all running in together. LOL

See ya Monday night at 5 pm at PV. Don't forget!


I am LOVING the converse!

Staci Taylor

Wow, I can't believe he starts back to school already! Noah doesn't start preschool until early September. I can totally relate to the potty talk - I hear mommy and poopy in the same sentence alllll the time, lol. Gotta love our boys :-)

Debbie Hodge

oh, say it isn't so! back to school! and potty-humor is an important right of passage ;)


Love Love that picture!!
Poop is often the word of the day around here too.

Sasha Farina

School already? So fast? Wow.. time really flies. I want his shoes! LOL...

laura vegas

he looks very squishy! lol! so cute! and i agree ... i love his shoes!

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