this sweet, charming little notebook was a quite painful experience for me. it started off with totally bad karma. jb needed a small project emphasizing rubons. i immediately think card. i really have a hard time thinking of anything else because i'm not project creaty. trouble is, cards are very very difficult for me. and rubons don't like me (although jb's are like butta, so i rarely screw them up). i got this little framey thing going sans the title and had it sitting on a card with some patterned paper and ribbon. took a shower break and when i got back with a fresh perspective, i knew it was just ugly. sigh. what to do and time for bed. got the gman asleep, but i was still wide awake. kept thinking about the darn card and its ugliness. then eureka!!! turn it into a mini! great idea! getting out of bed after dark to executive great idea was a very bad idea. the little chip frame perfectly fit the new label chipboard mini album. the title came to me and went on ever so smoothly. i punched holes in my creation and stuck it to the cover. adorable! but there was a teeny tiny tear in the patterned paper down by the bottom hole. i should have just let it go. but i couldn't just let it go. i got out the diamond glaze and put a tiny dab on the rip. it was fine. but then there was a tiny glue sheen by that bottom hole. i should have let it go. but i couldn't let it go. surely an ever so light coating of diamond glaze wouldn't hurt. dumb idea. the whole thing buckled, of course (you have to adhere patterned paper with diamond glaze if you're going to put diamond glaze on the surface. i hadn't planned on diamond glazing, so i'd just adhered the patterned paper with my tombow tape runner). i did manage to pull it off once and add diamond glaze, but i got it on crooked and it just wasn't coming off a second time. ARGHH!!! ruined! and it had been SO stinking cute. i made another one with different patterned paper and a different rubon, but i didn't like it as well. and then i stuck it on the cover backwards with the holes on the wrong side. i was going to cover the back with patterned paper and repunch the holes, but that would have involved pulling out my antiquated making memories eyelet setter and i just wasn't going to go there after midnight. sigh. at least i was tired by that point and managed to fall asleep. luckily jb kindly gave me her last birds and branches rubon sheet from her own private stash since they're currently sold out. she saved me cardma. here's the reincarnated card turned mini journal. hope you like it. it's really easy to make. ha.